Monday, January 28, 2008

Preparing for our trip.

Hi, my name is Nancy and have I had a hard time creating this blog! I have not used a computer for like 12 years and believe me when I say times have really changed!
We are preparing for our appointment of Feb-7-2008. This is actually our third adoption. We first adopted Ashley now 8 in 1999 from the U.S. she is (DS). Then in 2004 we went to Russia and adopted Irina now 6 and Angelica now 4. The trip to Russia was quite and adventure. It was like filming a remake of Doctor Zhivago without all that drama of course. We were waiting for the Syberia express at 10:00 P.M. at 19 below zero. We had to walk backwards because the wind was so strong that we could not breathe. At the end it was all worth it because we came home with the two most beautiful girls in the world. I have learned that in life the most precious things we cherish do not come easy, we have to fight for them and it is by doing this that we appreciate their real beauty that comes from within.


Dolores said...

Isn't that the truth? Everything precious takes a lot of effort! We have also adopted three times, hope to adopt again, each children with Down syndrome, each adopted domestically. I am so happy you are soon to go after your new little daughters and would love to follow your journey. Warmest wishes,

Lynn said...

Best of luck. Lynn